Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rub a Dub Dub, Babies in the Tub!

Gavin likes to play with his toys, but loves to play with the drain stopper!
Kami...not fond of the bath at all!
Wrapped up in her towel!
Luke, hated it even more than Kami.
He's much happier now!


GibsonTwins said...

I like the new look! Great job on the header!

Baylee's Mommy said...

Hey, remember those baby dolls that Allison use to have that we LOVED to play with? Kam looks like one of those in the pic with her mouth open after the bath.....look and tell me she doesn't ;)

Hilary said...

The new blog looks great!! Poor Gavin with that high temp..I bet that did freak Mommy out!! Hope he's better...those sweet babies..they are sooo cute! I am amazed by 2 babies at's a true miracle! Hope everything is going great! Have a great weekend....