Early Steps is Louisiana's Early Intervention System under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part C. EarlySteps provides services to families with infants and toddlers from birth to three years (36 months) who have a medical condition likely to result in a developmental delay, or who have developmental delays.
Services Include:
Assistive technology
Health Services (family education, assistance with other
EarlySteps services only)
Medical Services (for evaluation only)
Nutrition Services
Occupational Therapy Services
Physical Therapy Services
Psychological Services
Service Coordination
Social Work Services
Special Instruction
Speech Language Pathology
Transportation (to and from an EarlySteps service only)
Translation Interpreter Services
(foreign language and sign language)
Vision Services
Gavin had an Early Steps Occupational Therapist from about5 months old until 11 months old, when he was able to do everything he was supposed to. Really, he was never behind, but did have low muscle tone that needed to be built up. The OT came to our house once a week and worked with him, and sometimes, it wasn't so pleasant!

Well, yesterday, Kami and Luke were evaluated by Early Steps, because they aren't doing somethings 10 month old babies should be doing. They sit up unassisted, but are still a little wobbly, they do not pull up on furniture, or 'cruise' furniture, they barely stand up with me holding on to them. She was required to evaluate every aspect, from fine motor, gross motor, speech, cognitve, etc. They are right on track for everything but gross motor skills. We should find out with in the next couple of weeks, whether or not they qualify. If they do, an occupational therapist (most likely the same one Gavin used) will come to our house once a week until they are caught up with everything! I will keep ya'll posted.
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