Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Potty Training...

Gavin is currently potty training. Some days he does great! Like yesterday, he poo'd 4 times in the potty! And he tee tee'd several times as well. But sometimes, like this morning, he just took off his pull up and pooped in the living room floor! Sometimes he tells me he needs to go and I know he doesn't but we go anyway and we will sit there for 15 minutes. And sometimes he will tell me he DOESN'T need to go when I know he DOES, and he fights me kicking and screaming all the way to the bathroom and still doesn't go in the potty, he waits until I get him off. Anybody have an fool proof potty training tips? I'm all ears :)


Amy said...

advice? nope, none here. Connor pee trained around 3.5 but didnt poo train till 2 weeks ago(right after he turned 4) . He just finally figured it out. You cannot scare, threaten, spank, or shame a child into being potty trained, trust me. The only thing that really works is praise every time they are successful. Now personally i think its too young of an age as i really dont think that they could get up on the potty by them self and i dont see much difference b/c changing a diaper and undressing a child and putting them on the potty and waiting till they go and then getting them back dressed. But thats just me :)

Hilary said...

Good luck with potty training!! I'll be sending you good potty wishes :)