I've been in a bit of a blogging rut. My charger for my rechargeable batteries quit working and I kept forgetting to get a new one, so I've had no new pictures. And, there for a while, I was updating every few days on Gavin's medical plan, which has became a waiting game for the last 2 weeks, but we go in on Tuesday to get results of all the blood work that was done. Gavin also has an appointment with his cardiologist on Monday because his blood pressure was a little high. It's ALWAYS high in the cardiologist office, but always perfect everywhere else, go figure. Anyway, I snapped a few pictures
so MiMi would leave me alone for your viewing pleasure! These are our new (well, not really new, but yet to be documented) sleeping arrangements.
Gavin, in his big boy bed. He wakes up ever 2 or 3 hours attempting to come to mommy and daddy's bed, but always gets returned back to his bed! Most of the time, he is ok with it, but sometimes, he cries to go to "Daddy's bed." Why it's daddy's bed and not mommy's bed, I have no idea :)

Luke, enjoys his own space very much. Always has to have his bunny and his deer, and they are always tucked under his belly.

Kami sucking her thumb as usual. Notice the blanket underneath her. She always sleeps with the blanket tucked under her belly. And her little lamb is always near.

*Note* No, Kami and Luke's beds do not have sheets in them because they are currently in the washing machine :)
cuties! i love how the twins both sleep with things under them. And Gavin looks comfy in his big boy bed!
Omgosh you little ones are SO cute! I love sleeping babies, so sweet =)
p.s. I'm PunkRockChic from bggb
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