Sunday Chad went to go "scout" some hunting land and was going to be gone a good portion of the day, so I took it upon myself to take the kids to the zoo. I knew I didn't want to sit at home all day, and I figured the same went for them, so we loaded up and went to the zoo. Just Gavin, Kami, Luke and me. Naturally they all fell asleep on the ride there, but they were all troopers once we got there. Gavin's favorite exhibits? The ducks and the "jaffes," (or giraffes.) Kami and Luke's favorite part? The ice cream of course! LOL
Kami and Luke...Luke is still sleeping

Gavin and the duck...I'm pretty sure he was calling it "Mere Duck."

Luke's awake now! Happy to be there, but wishes the sun would get out of his eyes!

Gavin stopped to play with the flowers

The "jaffes" Gavin actually got to pet them because they just stuck their necks out over the fence! I didn't get any pictures of him petting them because I was holding him up so he could reach.

See how close!?!

Miss Nosey brithces...Always has to know what's going on!

The playground. Gavin had fun here!
1 comment:
Love the pictures! The first one of Kami is so freakin sweet! When did you shave Gavin's head? Looks like he is bald because his hair is SO blonde. Carl and I took B to the zoo yesterday. You deserve an award for taking all three ALONE! I don't think I would be brave enough to take B alone. Much less two more ;)
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