Last weekend, we went to Jena for Madison's birthday party. I can hardly believe she is 6 years old! She had a princess party that Gavin was less than enthused about. He would have preferred that she have a Wow Wow Wubbzy party, but he had fun anyway! There was pizza and cake, so what's not to love!
Before the party...Zoey

Kami wearing her Sleeping Beauty party tiara

Gavin, he always likes to wear his 'hat' when he has his jacket on. He gets mad if he has a jacket with out a hat.

Wal-Mart did less than a stellar job on the cake. My mama (MiMi) did her best to save it. If you remember, she made Kami and Luke's first
birthday cakes.

Present time! Zoey, Luke, and Maddie

More presents!

Time for Operation Get a Good Picture of Luke!
He was WAY to busy to stop and smile for the camera. I couldn't even get a good shot of him playing because he was ALWAYS MOVING!

Never looking at the camera.

I give up!

Ok, I have pictures from the zoo from January! I should be posting them soon!
Zoey is a total clone of her Mamma! WOW!
You did get some good pics!
I wish we could go to the Zoo in January! There's a new baby Gorilla and it is SO cute. Maybe when it's not 10 degrees....
Cute the tiara:)
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