Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our Tuesday...

Today, Gavin had a doctor's appointment with his Cardiologist. We got up early, I got all the kids dressed, and I was fixing my hair, putting on make up, etc. in the bathroom while Gavin played in the living room, and Kami and Luke jumped in their jumperoos. After I was finished, I went to check on Gavin (because he was being unusually quiet), and I found him with diaper rash ointment all over his face, in his hair, and on his clothes! (FYI, it was 'homeade' containing: boudreaux's, nystatin, neosporin, and baby powder, so it was more like a paste. This is something the doctor told me about, when Gavin had a really bad diaper rash a month or so ago.) Already running late, I took off his clothes and put him in the tub. I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed. This stuff was NOT coming out of his hair. I even used Dawn dishwashing liquid! So, I gave up, got him out, got him dressed and made him wear a hat! LOL We made it to his appointment about 5 minutes late. But, it was worth it, because we got good news! His blood pressure was great, so we are officially weaning him off of his blood pressure meds (captopril). He has been taking it twice a day, so for the next week, he will take it once a day, and then he will not take it anymore. He has to go back in a month to make sure it doesn't go back up. Yay! After the appointment, Aunt Sheila called and we went to eat lunch at Chili's with her. Gavin is ALWAYS excited to see his Aunt Sheila, and ALWAYS sad when it's time for her to go! Here are a few pictures from the day.
Luke, wearing Gavin's hat!
Kami, always ready for her close up!
Documented evidence of Gavin's greasy hair! And enjoying a french fry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray for good news!!!! I know you must have been thrilled to hear that. We are so happy for you!! God is so good!!!!!