I went in to check on Kami and Luke after bedtime last night and this is what I found.
Sweet Kami hugged up to her little lamb sucking her thumb! (PS, any advice on how to get her to stop sucking her thumb is welcome!)

Sweet Luke wanting to play!

"Take my picture again, Mama!"

P.S. Yes, it is scorching hot these days, with temperatures in the 100's daily, so the kiddies (all three of them) sleep in their diapers!
We are in our diapers too!! I wish fall would hurry up!!! Have a great weekend!
Cutiepies! My pedi said a child can safely suck their thumb until they're two, but sucking a paci needed to stop at age one. (Don't know why, though.) My niece still sneaks a suck of her thumb every now and then and she'll be 13 this year. lol...her teeth are perfectly straight, though. Maybe my niece just got lucky, but I think I'd wait til she's past the need to suck to do anything about the thumb-sucking.
I LOVE that picture of Kami! You have to give me a copy. I look at that picture of Luke, and I have to correct a previous statement. I once said that Gavin look like your brother and Chad. I was wrong. Luke looks like your brother and Chad. You were just the oven.
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