Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Gavin Update

Today Gavin had a visit to the hematologist for the first time in 2 months! We've been checking his hemoglobin, but haven't been in to see the doctor. We got good news, sort of. His hemoglobin is up! 10.6 to be exact. This is still not good, but it is better. So, the plan is to go ahead with another bone marrow biopsy (he had his first and only one in October of 2007 at the tender age of 2 months.) The reasoning for another biopsy is to try and get a 'firmer grasp' as to why his body is destroying it's own red blood cells. They have run all the tests they can on his actual blood, and everything comes back 'normal.' Which is good, but frustrating at the same time. The doctors are in no rush to do the biopsy. They will schedule it to coincide with another procedure (should one arise between now and the spring) otherwise they are waiting until cold and flu season is over. Hopefully no procedures are necessary between now and then and he can wait until March or April. In the meantime, he only has to get bloodwork once a month and visit the doctor every 2 months! He won't go back until January 19!


debi9kids said...

So good to hear that he doesn't have to go back until january! Got to be a good sign, right?

Maire said...

That is great news!!! So happy you all get a break for a bit. BTW, love your Thanksgiving theme