Kami had a little bit of stage fright and didn't want to perform for the camera. Luke was more than happy to demonstrate the Patty Cake 'dance' for the camera!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
15 Month Well Check
I'm well over a month behind on this post! I guess just because I'm lazy! But, mainly I kept forgetting! LOL Kami and Luke turned 15 months old on December 7. They had their well check on December 15, and we got all of the fun shots. They even got their first dose of the H1N1 vaccination (and the second in January). Gavin got a shot too(H1N1), and it wasn't even his doctor's appointment!
Kami is (or was!) 30 1/2 inches tall (50th percentile), she weighs 21lbs 14oz (25th percentile) and her head is 18 1/2 inches around (90th percentile). Her favorite words are bye bye, no no, uh-huh, and night night. She loves chicken nuggets, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, bananas and apples! She runs everywhere she goes and loves to play with her new puppy Brees!
Luke is 31 1/2 inches tall (50th percentile), he weighs 26lbs 1oz (50th percentile), and his head is 19 3/4 inches around (OFF.THE.CHARTS.) Poor kid and his big head, just like his big brother! His favorite words are NO!, Mama, and bye bye. He also loves chicken nuggets and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, bananas and apples. He loves to give kisses to his twin sister, but she doesn't always kiss back! His new favorite activity is jumping, even though he doesn't make it off the ground!
They both love their big brother and Kami even attempted saying his name the other day. It came out more like Gagin, but it's a start!
Kami is (or was!) 30 1/2 inches tall (50th percentile), she weighs 21lbs 14oz (25th percentile) and her head is 18 1/2 inches around (90th percentile). Her favorite words are bye bye, no no, uh-huh, and night night. She loves chicken nuggets, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, bananas and apples! She runs everywhere she goes and loves to play with her new puppy Brees!
Luke is 31 1/2 inches tall (50th percentile), he weighs 26lbs 1oz (50th percentile), and his head is 19 3/4 inches around (OFF.THE.CHARTS.) Poor kid and his big head, just like his big brother! His favorite words are NO!, Mama, and bye bye. He also loves chicken nuggets and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, bananas and apples. He loves to give kisses to his twin sister, but she doesn't always kiss back! His new favorite activity is jumping, even though he doesn't make it off the ground!
They both love their big brother and Kami even attempted saying his name the other day. It came out more like Gagin, but it's a start!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Say What?!?
The Saints are going to the Super Bowl for the FIRST.TIME.EVER! Who dat say gone beat dem Saints?!? :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tubes *Update*
The surgery went well. Gavin didn't cry a single tear when they took him from me. The nurse told him they were going to see the balloons. Afterwards was another story. He cried for a solid hour! I rocked him in recovery, but he was just unhappy. So, after about 20 or 30 minutes they let us go and he cried almost the whole way home. He wanted to go to Mr. Gatti's, but he didn't want to go at the same time. Finally, he agreed to eat at home and go to Mr. Gatti's tomorrow. Then he ate a little bit of yogurt and fell asleep. He was very clingy. Kami and Luke went to Jena with MiMi, so I could take care of Gavin. He seems to be doing better. He's not his usual self, but he's finally eating, and watching Wow Wow Wubbzy. The doctor said the surgery went extremely well. He had *alot* of fluid built up in his ears and they got it all out and put the tubes in. He has to be on ear drops for three days and go back in a week!
*Original Post*
After going to the doctor on Monday (it was supposed to be a nurse visit only, for the second dose of the H1N1 vaccination) and determining Gavin had yet another ear infection, she decided it was time to see an ENT (Ear Nose Throat Specialist.) I called while leaving the doctor's office (while it was fresh on my mind) to make an appoinment with the ENT. Little did I know they were going to get me in that very day! So, I took the latest appointment available(I needed the kids to have a nap, or they would have been super cranky!) at 3:30. Thankfully, Aunt Sheila volunteered to watch Kami and Luke, so Gavin and I made the trip into Baton Rouge by ourself. The doctor was really nice (and his nurse even better!) and explained to me that since Gavin's been having so many ear infections, the best route would to be tubes. I agreed. He then asked me some questions about his sleep pattern and things that would determine if he needed his adenoids out (does he snore, cough, mouth breath, etc.) and Gavin does all of those things. But, after further examination, it was determined that he he has a Bifid Uvula (or "forked uvula" as the doctor called it) and isnt' a candidate for an adenoidectomy, because it could cause him to have a nasaly voice and fluids to come out of his nose while drinking. Otherwise a bifid uvula shouldn't cause any problems. He also noted that Gavin has large tonsils and we would look into removing them in the future. After the meeting (an exam) with the doctor, we went with the nurse, who scheduled Gavin for surgery on Friday (tomorrow). We have to be there at 7 am and he can't eat after 9 pm tonight or drink anything after midnight. Your prayers are coveted!
PS I haven't forgotten about Kami and Luke's 15 month well check! If I could ever remember to get the paper out of the car with all of their stats on it, I could blog about it!
The surgery went well. Gavin didn't cry a single tear when they took him from me. The nurse told him they were going to see the balloons. Afterwards was another story. He cried for a solid hour! I rocked him in recovery, but he was just unhappy. So, after about 20 or 30 minutes they let us go and he cried almost the whole way home. He wanted to go to Mr. Gatti's, but he didn't want to go at the same time. Finally, he agreed to eat at home and go to Mr. Gatti's tomorrow. Then he ate a little bit of yogurt and fell asleep. He was very clingy. Kami and Luke went to Jena with MiMi, so I could take care of Gavin. He seems to be doing better. He's not his usual self, but he's finally eating, and watching Wow Wow Wubbzy. The doctor said the surgery went extremely well. He had *alot* of fluid built up in his ears and they got it all out and put the tubes in. He has to be on ear drops for three days and go back in a week!
*Original Post*
After going to the doctor on Monday (it was supposed to be a nurse visit only, for the second dose of the H1N1 vaccination) and determining Gavin had yet another ear infection, she decided it was time to see an ENT (Ear Nose Throat Specialist.) I called while leaving the doctor's office (while it was fresh on my mind) to make an appoinment with the ENT. Little did I know they were going to get me in that very day! So, I took the latest appointment available(I needed the kids to have a nap, or they would have been super cranky!) at 3:30. Thankfully, Aunt Sheila volunteered to watch Kami and Luke, so Gavin and I made the trip into Baton Rouge by ourself. The doctor was really nice (and his nurse even better!) and explained to me that since Gavin's been having so many ear infections, the best route would to be tubes. I agreed. He then asked me some questions about his sleep pattern and things that would determine if he needed his adenoids out (does he snore, cough, mouth breath, etc.) and Gavin does all of those things. But, after further examination, it was determined that he he has a Bifid Uvula (or "forked uvula" as the doctor called it) and isnt' a candidate for an adenoidectomy, because it could cause him to have a nasaly voice and fluids to come out of his nose while drinking. Otherwise a bifid uvula shouldn't cause any problems. He also noted that Gavin has large tonsils and we would look into removing them in the future. After the meeting (an exam) with the doctor, we went with the nurse, who scheduled Gavin for surgery on Friday (tomorrow). We have to be there at 7 am and he can't eat after 9 pm tonight or drink anything after midnight. Your prayers are coveted!
PS I haven't forgotten about Kami and Luke's 15 month well check! If I could ever remember to get the paper out of the car with all of their stats on it, I could blog about it!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
New Year's Eve 2009
New Year's Eve we went to Paw Paw Randy's House (Chad's daddy) to do fireworks and ring in the new year! MiMi (my mom) came to stay with Kami and Luke because they are NOT night owls! They go to bed at 7 pm and if they are up later than 8pm they are super grumpy! So, Gavin and I went over there and to his surprise, he had one more Christmas present! (He was all about his hat and shades this night.) He was very excited to open his present and luckily it was a cute little wind suit!
I say 'luckily' because not 15 minutes later, this happened.

Monday, January 4, 2010
Santa Visited the Irish Triplets!
Christmas morning we woke up to lots of fun stuff that the Big Guy left for the kids! Gavin was excited to say the least! He immediately spotted his jeep and climbed in.
Kami and Luke got Power Wheels Lil' Quads. Kami's is Princess, Luke's is Mickey Mouse.
Luke wasn't feeling to spiffy this day. He sat in MiMi's lap the whole time with a maraca in one hand and keys in the other.
Kami got a Wal-Mart buggy. She loves it, whenever Gavin will let her play with it. He's convinced it's his. She also got several baby dolls that she LOVES so much!
Gavin and his Handy Manny power tool. He doesn't look TOOO happy does he? ;)
Kami and Luke in the rocking chair together!
Gavin never looks at the camera.
Kami is a busy little girl. She is never still. LOL
Driving his jeep!
I think Santa got the seal of approval! Gavin's favorite was obviously the jeep. He also got a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Tent that was a big hit! Luke's favorite is by far Elmo Live Encore! He loves him! Kami's favorite didn't come from Santa at all! LOL She got a baby doll stroller from MiMi that she loves! They haven't got to get on their 4-wheelers because it has been wet and nasty outside and they don't wear shoes. They refuse to walk in shoes, so they don't get to play outside much.

Luke still in MiMi's lap.

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